Saturday, August 11, 2012

Well it's been a while...

Hello all!

It's been quite a long time since the last time I blogged and I have a ton to put into it... So here we go!!

We have had our little girl! She was born February 13th, 2012 in Colorado Springs, CO! She was a beautiful 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20.75 inches long!

Alex deployed three weeks later on March 9th and we've been tackling this deployment ever since. I am more than happy that he has the position of being armorer this deployment rather than being front line as an infantryman. Alex should be home by the end of the year, and we couldn't be more excited about that!!

Since then we have decided to get out of the Army and move to NORTH CAROLINA!! That's right! We're heading south and are so excited!!

Alright, well that was the short version. I'll update more when I don't have Colin running around, asking for snacks ;)