Thursday, June 24, 2010

Really getting out of the Army... GAH!

Yep, I'm scared. I figured getting to Florida would help me settle down because I would be able to help out and look around for jobs and housing. There is NOTHING you can do more than a year out. And I feel so helpless. I realized that I have no idea where we'll be in a little under a year.

Alex wants to enroll in school, but that means that he needs to take his SATs so he won't be able to attend right away. He still needs to find a job and we still need to find a house. I guess there's really not too much to say about it, but I don't like this feeling. I feel like we need the Army for a few more years so that we can save more! We understand what we needed to cut down on and need the time to replenish money that we have used. UGH!

It's been a while...

Holy cow, Batman!! I can't believe that it's been this long since I last blogged. Sorry I've been neglecting this! Believe me, there have been many times where I should have blogged but just haven't. I feel like I lost my urge to write for a little... but maybe a little break is what I needed... Hummm....

Well Colin got his top two, front teeth in a few days ago!! He'll be 7 months old tomorrow... I turned 21 June 9th... Have been making a TON of plans... Found out one of my best friends is pregnant!! Alex got switched around within his company (nothing major)... Colin LOVES to swim... Had our first ER visit... Uuuuhhhhmmmm.... I'm not sure what else... Do ask about any of these, I just have no momentum to write about them!! hahaha

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Ugh! I'm so excited, but not looking forward to the flying part! I'm trying out a few new things when it comes to flying... So I'm really nervous. I like to know first-hand, that it's going to work out right. I'm taking two carry-ons. One with Colin's clothes (rolling) and the second being his diaper bag. Before I check my bags, it's going to be hard to walk up to check in because I have two rolling bags. lol And they don't attach very easy. I guess we'll just have to see how it goes. I called the airline to make sure that I could actually bring the rolling small suitcase as a carry-on... But I'm still nervous.

I woke up really early to clean a little and make sure I wasn't forgetting anything... But now it's 6:30am and I'm just sitting here. I have plenty to clean, but I have no motivation to clean. I know I need to get a bottle together for Colin, and a thing of food... Put on deoderant... Ya know, the normal. ;)

I guess if I have to check my small bag, it's okay... Because the airline I'm flying on doesn't charge for the first bag. So it'll be alright. I'll just mail more things back if it gets to be too much when coming home.