Here's an Easter picture or two!!
I had set my alarm for 7am, but hit dismiss and went to bed until 8:05am and was supposed to leave for church at 9:30... But get a shower and everything in before we left (we being my neighbors and myself) So some how I manage to take a shower, get myself and Colin ready, and take care of the dog that I'm watching. Get out at 9:30am and my neighbors are missing. They don't answer their door or anything. So I sit outside for a while and then decide to go inside. Right as I am, I hear their garage door opening and them walking down the stairs. So We finally get to church. It was a good service. Really lively... But a good service. But before I got to church, I backed into my garage. I have a dent in the door. I'm livid.
After that, we get back from church and I find that an air freshener was knocked over by Atty. I go to wipe it up, and notice that the finish from the table is eaten off of it. So I need to call the place to see if the insurance I bought covers that!
I didn't get half the crap done that I wanted to before people showed up, but it didn't matter... People were coming anyway!
Alex called, which my day... In the middle of the conversation he said he had to go and would call me when he was done working. So we got off the phone, but immediately after we did he called me back. I noticed that I was being rude and asked Alex if I could get off the phone so I wasn't being. He said that it was fine, but of course that wasn't the deal.
After everyone left I got on Facebook and saw that he had written me a message telling me he was hurt and that all he wanted to do was talk to me. I felt horrible. I had promised myself that I would never do that. I have all the time in the world to live life here, but I only have a couple minutes to talk to Alex.
So I lay down because I'm not feeling well and neither is Colin. I woke up at one point because Colin was hungry and was crying. I immediately went to bed after I fed him. I woke up from having a dream about Alex and I fighting. It was definitely what we would do and how I would react. It felt so real... So now I'm awake again after sleeping for 2 hours... it's only 11pm... But still. This is going to be a long night until Alex calls me again.
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