Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh The Things I Miss

I feel so selfish. I just want to hear his voice or feel his touch. Our bed is too big. The couch is too big. I miss just laying on the couch, watching movies on lazy Sundays. Making macaroni and cheese on cold days, and making sure to put out the hot sauce. Or having meals at our dining room table. I miss looking forward to him walking through the door each day; morning, noon, and night. I still can't put Colin to bed quite like he can. I miss his simplicity... Holding conversations with him while he sleeps. Fighting over whether we should have covers on at night or not... Or which way we should take our walk for the day. I miss walking with him... Not feeling rushed to talk before we have to hang up. I forget the way his jaw moves when he talks. The way he winks, just to let me know he loves me. I miss him waking up with Colin. The way he would calm me down in the second... Just one touch and my world would come back together. Downloading movies and talking about how lame they were. Loading the dishwasher, but not having to unload it.

I go outside to our backyard sometimes... I have no reason to, but it's what we used to do while he smoked. We'd just stand there and talked. Even when it was snowing and neither of us had coats on. We just talked. I hate that I have to rely on my teddy bear to keep me company at night, but I'm thankful that I have someone to miss. That's the reason why I feel so selfish. I am blessed to share so many memories with him. I am blessed that he is true. He is a perfect father, husband, and best friend.

1 comment:

  1. so I totally just found this blog of yours and have read a few of your writings. this one hit home hard for me. mac and cheese with hot sauce is one of mine & ricky's favorites. and the last paragraph of this entry gave me goosebumps - because I couldn't have stated how I feel about my husband any better (minus the father part, but that's gonna be true someday, too).

    I'd also like to say that I love the blog idea - as a sort of outlet. I wish I knew how to even go about starting something like this.

    Lastly, I'd like you to know (although I've told you time and time again already) how amazing you have been to me and how thankful I am to have met you and have you in my life. I can't wait to get up there!!! <3

    -mrs. santiago*
