Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's been a while...

Holy cow, Batman!! I can't believe that it's been this long since I last blogged. Sorry I've been neglecting this! Believe me, there have been many times where I should have blogged but just haven't. I feel like I lost my urge to write for a little... but maybe a little break is what I needed... Hummm....

Well Colin got his top two, front teeth in a few days ago!! He'll be 7 months old tomorrow... I turned 21 June 9th... Have been making a TON of plans... Found out one of my best friends is pregnant!! Alex got switched around within his company (nothing major)... Colin LOVES to swim... Had our first ER visit... Uuuuhhhhmmmm.... I'm not sure what else... Do ask about any of these, I just have no momentum to write about them!! hahaha

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