Thursday, June 24, 2010

Really getting out of the Army... GAH!

Yep, I'm scared. I figured getting to Florida would help me settle down because I would be able to help out and look around for jobs and housing. There is NOTHING you can do more than a year out. And I feel so helpless. I realized that I have no idea where we'll be in a little under a year.

Alex wants to enroll in school, but that means that he needs to take his SATs so he won't be able to attend right away. He still needs to find a job and we still need to find a house. I guess there's really not too much to say about it, but I don't like this feeling. I feel like we need the Army for a few more years so that we can save more! We understand what we needed to cut down on and need the time to replenish money that we have used. UGH!

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