Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holy cow! It's been a long time since I have last blogged. A friend told me today that she loved to hear what I had to say in my blog, so I guess I'll start back up again. If not for people to read, but just to simply journal. I feel I need this output more than ever.

Deployment is almost over. We're looking at an early spring arrival and I couldn't be more happy. However I can't help but be kinda upset at the same time. You see, my husband deployed on the TORCH flight. This means that the guys he left with and the guys from the advanced flight were there ONE MONTH before everyone else. But it just so happens that the guys from the Torch flight aren't getting to come home with the Advanced flight. And while I'm really happy that some of my closet friends get to see their husbands at the same time, I can't help but be a little bitter that right after my husband left, the guys that were still stateside got leave. And I'm not just talking about getting off from work early a few days, I'm talking about days off. Long weekends. I envied them and attempted to avoid them. I know, it's bitter... I feel shameful about it, but I know that if their husbands worked for hours upon hours with no days off (except for the "three day weekend" they were given the weekend they deployed... which didn't count because they deployed EARLY Sunday morning) they would feel the same way I feel. Of course I'm excited. I actually get to celebrate with so many more of my friends on the same night than I thought, and that makes me happy. (I hope no one gets mad at me about this)

The past month of two have been filled with many missions. Most lasting too long to count. We'll go weeks without hearing from Alex. Right now we're on day 3 (which isn't as long as it's been) without hearing from him. Alex finally got to see Colin on the webcam for the first time in MONTHS and I think he was about to cry.

You see, like I said before, Colin was 3 months old when Alex left. Alex came home for R&R in late August and Colin was 9 months. Now Colin is nearly 13 months old. Colin runs, laughs, tickles, talks, and eats like a big boy! Alex finally got to see all of that on the webcam the other day. Colin even called him Dada!! :)

Right now Colin and I are vacationing in Florida with my parents. We have already been here for 2 weeks and will be home for 2 more weeks before we head back. As soon as we get back we will start DEEP CLEANING the house!!! It won't be long before Alex and the guys are back and I'm beyond excited!!!

I know that this was random, but I enjoyed writing about this in the fragments that I have. I hope I remember to write tomorrow, and I hope i have something good and witty to say because today was NOT my day for that!

Attached are some photos from our family shoot in August.

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