Friday, May 28, 2010

SKYPE is my new best friend!

Alex had made a promise yesterday that he was going to call today. At 12:45pm I was on the phone with the phone replacement people and had to take out my battery... So when 3pm came along, I thought for sure that I had missed that call once again. I had just laid Colin down for his nap when I went to lay down on the couch and put my feet up when I heard my Facebook chat go off. So I laid there for about 20 seconds before I decided that I should get up and see if it's Alex.

It was! We spent the next 10 minutes trying to get Facebook chat to work... Until I got the bright idea that Alex was probably on Yahoo! So I logged on and of course, he was on. I asked him if he wanted to see Colin. That's when he told me that he finally got a Skype account. We quickly added each other and started a video chat.

Alex got to see Colin do so many different things!! Colin was playing on the keyboard of my Mac, then Alex made Colin laugh and smile, then I put Colin in his exersaucer and Alex got to see him in there, and then I put Colin on the ground and that's when Colin got up on his hands and knees. I'm pretty sure Alex was amazed! I'm so happy that Alex got to see Colin do all these things, but most of all I'm happy that Colin got to see Alex.

At some point I started becoming afraid that Colin was going to think that Da-da is only a doll and pictures. Now that he actually saw that Da-da is a moving person, I think that will help a little more. Of course we have the video clips of Alex playing with Colin and of Alex reading, but Alex was actually playing with Colin! Ahhh!!!

But of course with seeing Alex on the webcam for the first time in almost 3 months... I got a little homesick. I was sitting in the middle of our living room and felt completely homesick! While talking to Alex on the webcam was amazing, it felt like he was here with us. Then he had to go and it was like he just disappeared. Of course I'm sure that I'll get used to it, but still. I took a nap and woke up feeling kinda bad.

God bless him. I'm pretty sure he was almost going to start crying half way through the conversation and a few times on top of that. He looks amazing, though!!

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