Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Man, I'm getting lonely

I went for almost 2 months and never felt this way. Now it's all starting to hit me. I yearn to just lay on the couch with Alex and cuddle all day long, just watching silly movies that come on TV. Doesn't matter if we like them or not. But that will have to wait another 5 months or more. Sucks.

I have been sitting inside a lot, recently. It's because Colin has been sick, but still. When you sit inside by yourself and watch movies, you feel depressed more than excited to do so. Everyone always tells me to take some 'me' time. However, my 'me' time would consist of hanging out with whoever would be watching Colin for me. lol I don't like being alone right now. Although, technically I'm never alone because I always have Colin with me.

Boo on being lonely! Boo on deployments! Yay for going home to Florida soon!

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